Male reproductive medicine: Diagnostic and therapeutic technologies

Male reproductive medicine: Diagnostic and therapeutic technologies


Feature Summary

We offer diagnosis and management strategies for infertile males, especially for whom no sperm is found in semen (azoospermia). The state-of-the-art techniques including genetic testing, minimally invasive testis needle biopsy, needle testicular sperm extraction (needle TESE), diagnostic microdissection testicular sperm extraction (mTESE), therapeutic mTESE, and modified microsurgical epididymovasostomy for obstructive azoospermia.



Azoospermia refers to the complete absence of sperm in the semen. The prevalence rate is about 1%. Most of the causes are unknown. The male reproductive team of the Department of Urology of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, cooperate with fertility experts of Department of OB/GYN can provide expert opinions on the diagnosis and treatment.



The causes of infertility are very diverse and the diagnostic process is complex and sometimes time-consuming. The male reproductive medicine team will check your hormone and genetic profile, and use testicular biopsy for preliminary diagnosis if necessary. We have extensive experiences to conduct microdissection testicular sperm extraction.



  • For testis needle biopsy: a method of innovative minimally invasive approach under comfortable local anesthesia. The wound is almost invisible, and the procedure takes only about 10 minutes.
  • Diagnostic mTESE and therapeutic mTESE are to open the testicular albuginea and find the thicker seminiferous tubules under general anesthesia.
  • The microsurgical epididymovasostomy is also performed under general anesthesia.



The following risk and complications are extremely low:

  • Risk of General Anesthesia
  • Infection
  • Bleeding


Minimal invasive testicular needle biopsy

Larger seminiferous tubules have greater chance to find sperms.

Use touch print smear method to examine sperm presence for the extracted seminiferous tubules immediately.

mTESE is performed under general anesthesia.


Estimated Cost

For estimated medical costs, please contact International Medical Services Center.


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