Laser therapy
Laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is the light energy which has a specific wavelength. The tissue and cells in the human body reveal different absorption rates to different wavelength of laser. The laser energy can selectively heat and destroy the tissue which tends to absorb specific wavelength of laser without damaging the surrounding tissue. Laser therapy is wildly used in treatment of skin lesions, including pigmented lesions, scars, vessel lesions and skin-regeneration.
Indication of laser therapy
- Pigmented or superficial skin lesions: freckles, actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis, nevus, tattoo, nevus zygomaticus, Ota nevus, malasthma.
- Other superficial skin lesions: skin tag, warts, close comedo
- Vessel lesions: telangiectasia, cherry spots, rosacea, scar with congestion.
- Hair removal
- Skin regeneration, fine wrinkle
Types of laser and other therapy in Taipei Veterans General Hospital
● Er-YAG laser
● Nd-YAG laser
● CO2 laser
● Fraxel laser
● Dye laser
● Intense pulse light
● High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)
● Picosecond laser
The treatment process
According to the different types of laser and skin lesions, patients may need one or more repeats of laser treatment. The superficial pigmented skin lesions usually need one to three repeats of laser treatment. The deep dermis lesions, vessel lesions, hair removal or scar tissue need more repeats of treatment. The detail treatment process needs to be discussed with doctors.
The post-treatment skin reactions and possible complications
(The following statements are some common reactions or complications about laser therapy. However, certain conditions may not be mentioned. Please consult your doctor if you have any problems.)
- Mild skin redness, local swelling, local heat and ecchymosis: usually spontaneously recover after hours or a few days.
- Skin wounds after ablation laser therapy: tiny bleeding and peripheral swelling are normal skin reactions after ablation laser. The wounds are usually healed within 7-10 days. Some laser therapies cause small skin eschar after treatment. Care the eschar with topical ointment or change dressing. Avoid removing the eschar. The eschar usually spontaneously cast off after about 7 days. The skin will appear dark-red after wound heals. The dark-red color of skin will improve gradually within 2-6 months.
- Some patients may have skin redness for more than 3 days, herpes episode (0.3-2%) or wound infection (0.5-4.5%).
- The incidence of post-laser hyperpigmentation is around 10-32%. Sun protection is very important. The incidence of hypopigmentation is around 1-20% and mostly recover in a short period.
The other treatment choices besides laser therapy
According to the types of skin lesions, the other treatment choices are including oral medication, topical medication, electrocauterization, cryotherapy, or surgery. Doctors will discuss with you and suggest suitable treatments for your skin condition.
Supplementary note
- The cosmetic therapy is not emergent treatment. Before the treatment, we suggest detailed discussion with your doctor.
- If you have the conditions as below, please inform your doctor:
- Any chronic disease, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, etc.
- Any acute conditions, including skin allergy, skin infection, upper respiratory tract infection, etc.
- Any allergic agents
- Bleeding tendency or take anti-coagulant agents, including aspirin, warfarin, pletaal, etc.
- Any hypertrophic scar or keloid.
- Any post-laser hyperpigmentation episodes.
- Previous surgery, implant or topical injection material, including botulinum-toxin, hyaluronic acid, fat graft at the area which will receive treatment.
- Fitzpatrick's dermatology in general medicine. Eighth Edition, 2012.
- Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery. Eighth Edition, 2020.
- Metelitsa AI, Alster TS. Fractionated laser skin resurfacing treatment complications: a review. Dermatol Surg 2010;36:299-306.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Aesthetic Medical Center
Office hours:Monday to Friday 08:00~12:00/13:30~17:30
(Not included vacation and holidays)
Tel:+886-2-2875-2121 EXT 1465
E-mail: International Medical Service center:
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery:
Estimated Cost
For estimated medical costs, please contact International Medical Services Center.