Headache Study Group – Pioneer treatment


Headache Medical Team

        Professor Shuu-Jiun Wang established, in collaboration with Professor Jong-Ling Fuh, the Headache Team at Taipei VGH in 1996. By accumulating experience in operations of headaches for 20 years, the Taipei VGH Headache Team has become one of the most renowned and respected medical groups worldwide in both clinical service and academic achievement in the field of headache medicine.

  Since then, the Headache Clinic of Taipei VGH has been providing services to more than 2,000 new patients each year and over 20,000 patients in total. The Headache Team provided standardized treatment protocols for inpatients with medication overuse headache and other headache disorders. The treatment response rates are comparable to those of other top headache centers in the world.

  The headache team is now extending research work into the fields of headache genetics, animal models, functional neuroimaging, and electrophysiology. In the future, we will continue to provide state-of-the-art clinical services for patients from Taiwan and other parts of the world as well as perpetuate the enthusiasm for research work heading for a headache-free era.

Outstanding Achievement:

  1. Epidemiological studies in chronic daily headache in adolescents.
  2. Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes (thunderclap headaches).
  3. Heavily T2-weighted magnetic resonance myelography in spontaneous intracranial hypotension (low-pressure headaches).