Robot assisted laparoscopic repair of ureteral stricture

Robot assisted laparoscopic repair of ureteral stricture


Feature Summary

The use of Robot assister surgery has the benefit of less invasive, less blood loss, best result of ureteral repair due to meticulous suture and manipulation, smaller and cosmetic wound, short postoperative recovery period and hospital stay.



Ureteral stricture usually caused by congenital uretero-pelvic junction stenosis, iatrogenic injury, inflammation, urolithiasis, or previous endoscopic surgery, pelvic surgery, or retroperitoneal surgery. The common symptoms are flank pain, frequent UTI and hematuria. This disease causes hydronephrosis and subsequent impairment of renal function and atrophy of the kidney.



Robot assisted laparoscopic repair of ureteral stricture: We use Da Vinci Robot assisted laparoscopic surgery to reconstruct the stricture site of the ureter to relieve the obstruction and hydronephrosis.

The purpose of the treatment is:

  • To relieve the ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis so that the renal function could be preserved.
  • To relieve the symptoms of flank pain, hematuria and frequent UTI.
  • To avoid the need of long-term placement of Double J stent in the diseased ureter which causes flank pain, hematuria, and frequent UTI.
  • To avoid the patient’s suffer from frequent changes of double J stent.



Under general anesthesia, segmental resection of the stricture area of the ureter and then one of the following operations is done:

  1. End-to end anastomosis of the proximal and distal ends of the ureters
  2. Reimplantation of the ureter into the urinary bladder
  3. Reimplantation of the ureter with Boari flap or Psoas hitch
  4. End to side anastomosis of the ureters



The following risk and complications are low:

  • Risk of General Anesthesia
  • Infection
  • Hemorrhage
  • Leakage

Da Vinci Robot machine


Estimated Cost

For estimated medical costs, please contact International Medical Services Center.


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