Buried penis is a congenital anomaly affecting the appearance and the function of the external genitalia in boys and men. The penis can look like a pyramid, or appear hidden within the fat over the lower part of the belly. This condition is frequently associated with insufficient outer prepuce, inadequate subcutaneous tissue attachment, excessive fat in front of the pubic bone, and a narrow opening of the penile skin. Some boys with severe buried penis will require an operation to improve and correct the appearance of the penis. This procedure is called a “penoplasty” surgery. It is a relatively minor operation and usually performed as an out-patient surgery. However, general anesthesia (putting the patient to sleep) and is required because the patient’s age.
Penoplasty is mostly done to correct the appearance of the penis. Other indications of the surgery include difficulty in urination, deposition of urine in the penile skin (“ballooning”) and infection of the penile skin and the glans of the penis.
Under general anesthesia, the tethered tissue between the penile skin and the tissue beneath is released and divided down to the base of the penis. The penile skin is then fixed at the base of the penis. After that, the penile skin is repaired with absorbable sutures, which means the sutures will not require removal and will dissolve after several weeks. Compressive dressing will then be applied to the wound around the penis.
- Temporary edema of the penile skin after the surgery
- Minor bleeding after the surgery
- Allergic reaction to the suture material
- General risk of anesthesia
Estimated Cost
For estimated medical costs, please contact International Medical Services Center.